Monday, November 3, 2008

Presidential Election and the restaurant business

What happens to the restaurant business when everybody is at home watching the presidential election? Well, it is probably the same thing that happens to any evening/entertainment business at this time in the election. People just stay home and wait for the election results.

Here are a few ways for you to keep everybody happy during the presidential election tallying process on Tuesday.

1. Order food to go at Rathbun's and call the order in so that it will be waiting at the bar when you arrive.

2. Order plates of Tramezzini's from Krog Bar so that you can celebrate your favorite candidate winning .

3. Order steaks to go at Kevin Rathbun Steak and dine slowly at home while you are watching the television.

While we would love to have you dine in the restaurants, if you are not dining out on Tuesday, at least you can take home some great food.